Pumpkin and Curry Quiche

Serves 8. Preparation time 30 minutes + 45 minutes cooking (or more - 40 mins for mini quiches)

Make your favourite pastry, or use bought pastry.


  1. Preaheat oven to hot - 210 deg C
  2. Roll out pastry and line greased quich flan. Bake 15mins until lightly browned.
  3. Remove from oven, reduce temp. to 180 deg. C.
  4. Heat oil, add onions and garlic and stir over a low heat for 5 mins or until soft.
  5. Add curry powder. stir for one minute.
  6. Spread over pastry.
  7. Combine eggs, cream and pumpkin in a large bowl. Beat until combined.
  8. Pout over onion mixture. sprinkle with cumin seeds.
  9. Bake for 20+ minutes until filling has set.