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Nut Burgers

Saute 1 finely chopped onion and 1 finely chopped stalk of celery in butter until translucent ( approx 6 minutes).

Mix with

Form into patties, bake or fry. I use a smear of olive oil in a heavy based pan, and make sure it is just about to smoke before adding the patties. If they are cooked in a pan which is already a bit dirty e.g. from meat, they tend to stick and are a big pain. The cheese melts as they cook, making them a bit breakable, but if they are cooked until a bit crispy on one side before turning, they work quite well.

1 batch makes 8 good sized patties
A double batch fills a 2L container, and can be frozen for later use.
150 rogainers consumed about 60 burgers at the end of a 6hr/12hr event.