Meyer Lemons are sweeter than Lisbon or Eureka, and also thin skinned and juicy.
- 2 lb Meyer Lemons (1 kg)
- about 8 cups of sugar
- 2 cups fresh Meyer lemon juice
- 2 L water
- 1 tablespoon peeled and grated fresh ginger root
- 1 tablespoon finely chopped crystallized ginger
Have ready 10 hot sterilized 1 cup jars with metal "button top" lids. A slicing mandolin, a large non reactive saucepan.A boilable bag e.g. nylon
- Wash the fruit well, discarding any damaged parts, cut off the ends.
- Slice the lemons as thinly as possible - halve, remove any pips into a muslin bag, thinly slice using a mandolin.
- Place lemon slices in the large saucepan, add the 2 L of water
- Set over medium-high heat and bring to a boil. Cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes. Remove from heat.
- Measure the number of cups of the slices and water, and return to pan. For each 1 cup add 1 ¼ cups sugar.
- Stir in the extra 2 cups of lemon juice, and add the bag of pips.
- Set over medium heat and bring to boil, then boil rapidly for 10 minutes. Stir occasionally.
- Add the fresh ginger and continue to boil for 10 to 15 minutes more, until the mixture is slightly thickened. Stir occasionally.
- Remove from heat.
- Test if it is ready by putting 1 teaspoon onto a chilled plate and placing it into a freezer for 2 minutes. If it wrinkles when nudged gently, it is ready. Otherwise return to heat for a while, then repeat the test until ready.
- When it is ready, stir in the crystallized ginger.
- Ladle the hot marmalade into the hot sterilized jars, leaving a bit of headspace. Seal tightly with the lids.
- If the button tops do not "pop" down as the jars cool, loosen the lids and place jar with loose lid into the microwave. Heat until bubbles just start to form, then immediately screw down the lid as you remove the jars fromt eh microwave GLoves are essential of course!