Banana and Chocolate Cake
- Cream together butter and sugar, then add eggs one at a time:
- 6oz (175g) of butter
- 1 1/2 cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- Melt 2oz semi sweet or dark chocolate, add to creamed mix
- 1 teaspoon vanilla
- Sift together then add to mix alternately with the milk and bananas:
- 2.25 cups of plain flour (wholemeal?)
- 1 level teaspoon of baking powder
- 3/4 level teaspoon bi-carbonate of soda
- 1 cup mashed banana (about 3 bananas)
- 6 oz milk (about 180mls). Sylvia uses less - 150 to 160ml.
- Turn out into well greased or glad bake lined 2 x 8 inch sandwich tins.
- Bake at 180 C for 30 - 35 minutes, leave in tin for 10 minutes before
turning out.
- Allow cake to cool, then split each layer in half and join with whipped cream (i.e. 3 layers of cream)
- Decorate with chocolate icing and sprinkle icing sugar/smarties/strawberries/kiwi fruit, or smarties on the sides.